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Semi Intensive Courses

On the face of It, the idea of passing your driving test in one week looks very attractive and you will no doubt have noticed that some driving schools advertise 'Pass Your Test in One Day/Week'. At Horizon, we don’t accept that such intensive courses adequately prepare you for a successful solo driving career and so we do not offer this type of course.


What we offer instead is a semi-intensive course of 6 to 8 week duration, with one lesson per day Monday to Friday for as many weeks as it takes for you to reach what we deem to be an acceptable standard of driving to pass your driving test - if you are starting from scratch, at one and a half hours per day, we would envisage you taking an average of around 6 weeks to get to test level.  


*Terms & conditions apply to this type of course, and they are subject to instructor availability

We believe this will better equip you with the skills, experience and the all-important confidence that are essential to survive on today’s roads, as well as falling in better with the availability of theory and driving tests.

Book your lessons now

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